The teenaged guys are down in the basement on X-box and when I go down I realize they are playing some horrible game where they have to slaughter everybody in sight. When I remonstrate they call out cheerfully, “It’s okay Dad. They’re Nazi Zombies.”

I can’t help thinking of these truths as I witness the gathering storm clouds in our society. The extreme, radical feminists, abortionists, homoexualists and perverts are starting to roam about in our society seeking whom they may devour. We mustn’t forget the greedy corporate executives, the bankers who earn obscene amounts of money from crooked deals, get government buy outs and then reward themselves with million dollar bonuses. We can’t forget the drug barons, the pushers and pimps, the thieves–the gang members who roam our streets or who lurk just beyond our borders. They are out there, and they are growing more and more relentless in their rage.
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