Friday, March 08, 2013

We are men, not angels

Elevated to the College of Cardinals less than three months ago, Cardinal John Olorunfemi Onaiyekan of Abuja, Nigeria said, "I do believe that very often there's a tendency to exaggerate the gravity and even the moment (importance) of the problems we have in our house today. Anyone who has read church history knows that there is nothing new on that. Problems or accusations of scandal or corruption should be addressed, but that only proves that the church is made of human beings. Jesus Christ could have left this church in the hands of angels; there were enough in heaven to do the job. Instead, with his love and hope for humanity, he put the church in the hands of 12 ignorant men, who included simple fishermen and a tax collector.” 


The Blog of Bee said...

Yes I agree with the Cardinal - they are human. But the reality is that because of their status within the Church we do expect their flaws to be less than those of the laity.

Annie Jeffries said...

Hi Bee. So excited. As I clicked in to post a comment, the white smoke came pouring out of St. Peter's. Soooo excited. More later.