Sunday, February 11, 2007
King Abdullah II of Jordan has invited Catholic Pope Benedict XVI for an official visit to the Hashemite kingdom, according to a statement by the royal court.
“The invitation was extended to His Holiness by Queen Rania who met with the pope at the Vatican on Friday,” said the statement by the royal court.
During her visit to Italy, the Jordanian queen conveyed Jordan’s encouragement for the Catholic spiritual leader to become more involved in “efforts for re-establishment of durable, just and comprehensive peace in the region.”
I note this was reported by the Israeli National News. How do you think this will help?
I think that many younger Isralis (this was posted by a .com) might consider any action that is made in the name of promoting peace might be welcome. This might not have appeared in print which I'm guessing would have a more conservative and hawkish point of view. I have nothing to back this opinion up with. Just speculating.
But we're talking about two totally different forms of govt. Do you think this is a form of olive branch put forth by the entire region, using the least aggressive govt. as spokesperson? There has to be a consensus in allowing Israel's right to exist. That's what most of this is about.
Olive branch? Entirely possible, B. There are a lot of efforts going on now to quilt together a lasting peace. Even Saudi Arabia is making public nice. Jordan has always been a peace broker in the region so Jordan as the go-between would not be unexpected.
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