"So off we went to the
Council not just with joy
but with enthusiasm"
Vatican City, February
19, 2013 (Zenit.org)
Here is a first
part of a Vatican translation of the reflection Benedict XVI gave last Thursday
when he met with the clergy of Rome. The Holy Father delivered the reflection
extemporaneously, recounting some of his memories of the Second Vatican
Your Eminence,
Dear Brother Bishops and Priests,
Dear Brother Bishops and Priests,
For me it is a
particular gift of Providence that, before leaving the Petrine ministry, I can
once more see my clergy, the clergy of Rome. It is always a great joy to see
the living Church, to see how the Church in Rome is alive; there are shepherds
here who guide the Lord’s flock in the spirit of the supreme Shepherd. It is a
body of clergy that is truly Catholic, universal, in accordance with the
essence of the Church of Rome: to bear within itself the universality, the
catholicity of all nations, all races, all cultures. At the same time, I am
very grateful to the Cardinal Vicar who helps to reawaken, to rediscover
vocations in Rome itself, because if Rome, on the one hand, has to be the city
of universality, it must also be a city with a strong and robust faith of its
own, from which vocations are also born. And I am convinced that, with the
Lord’s help, we can find the vocations that he himself gives us, we can guide
them, help them to mature, so as to be of service for work in the Lord’s
Today you have
professed the Creed before the tomb of Saint Peter: in the Year of Faith, this seems to me to be a most
appropriate act, a necessary one, perhaps, that the clergy of Rome should
gather around the tomb of the Apostle to whom the Lord said: "To you I
entrust my Church. Upon you I will build my Church" (cf. Mt 16:18-19).
Before the Lord, together with Peter, you have professed: "You are the
Christ, the Son of the living God" (Mt 16:16). Thus the Church grows:
together with Peter, professing Christ, following Christ. And we do this
always. I am very grateful for your prayers, which I have sensed, as I said on
Wednesday – almost palpably. And although I am about to withdraw, I remain
close to all of you in prayer, and I am sure that you too will be close
to me, even if I am hidden from the world.
For today,
given the conditions brought on by my age, I have not been able to prepare an
extended discourse, as might have been expected; but rather what I have in mind
are a few thoughts on the Second Vatican Council, as I saw it. I shall
begin with an anecdote: in 1959 I was appointed a professor at the University
of Bonn, where the students included the seminarians of the diocese of Cologne
and the other dioceses in the area. Thus I came into contact with the Cardinal
Archbishop of Cologne, Cardinal Frings. Cardinal Siri of Genoa, in 1961 if I
remember rightly, had organized a series of talks on the Council given by
various European Cardinals, and he had invited the Archbishop of Cologne to
give one of them, entitled: the Council and the world of modern thought.
The Cardinal
asked me – the youngest of the professors – to write a draft for him. He liked
the draft, and to the people in Genoa he delivered the text just as I had
written it. Soon afterwards, Pope John invited him to come and see him, and the
Cardinal was anxious that he might have said something incorrect, something
false, and that he was being summoned for a rebuke, perhaps even to be deprived
of the cardinalate. Indeed, when his secretary vested him for the audience, the
Cardinal said: "Perhaps I am now wearing these robes for the last
time". Then he went in, Pope John came to meet him, embraced him, and
said: "Thank you, Your Eminence, you said the very things I wanted to say
myself, but I could not find the words". So the Cardinal knew that he was
on the right track and he invited me to go with him to the Council, firstly as
his personal advisor; and then, during the first session – I think it was in
November 1962 – I was also named an official peritus of the Council.
So off we went
to the Council not just with joy but with enthusiasm. There was an incredible
sense of expectation. We were hoping that all would be renewed, that there
would truly be a new Pentecost, a new era of the Church, because the Church was
still fairly robust at that time – Sunday Mass attendance was still good,
vocations to the priesthood and to religious life were already slightly
reduced, but still sufficient. However, there was a feeling that the Church was
not moving forward, that it was declining, that it seemed more a thing of the
past and not the herald of the future. And at that moment, we were hoping that
this relation would be renewed, that it would change; that the Church might
once again be a force for tomorrow and a force for today. And we knew that the
relationship between the Church and the modern period, right from the outset,
had been slightly fraught, beginning with the Church’s error in the case of
Galileo Galilei; we were looking to correct this mistaken start and to
rediscover the union between the Church and the best forces of the world, so as
to open up humanity’s future, to open up true progress. Thus we were full of
hope, full of enthusiasm, and also eager to play our own part in this process. I
remember that the Roman Synod was thought of as a negative model. It was said –
I don’t know whether this was true – that they had read out prepared texts in
the Basilica of Saint John, and that the members of the Synod had acclaimed,
approved with applause, and that the Synod had been conducted thus. The bishops
said: no, let’s not do that. We are bishops, we ourselves are the subject of
the Synod; we do not simply want to approve what has already been done, but we
ourselves want to be the subject, the protagonists of the Council. So too
Cardinal Frings, who was famous for his absolute fidelity – almost to the point
of scrupulosity – to the Holy Father, said in this case: we are here in a
different role. The Pope has called us together to be like Fathers, to be an
Ecumenical Council, a subject that renews the Church. So we want to assume this
new role of ours.
The first
occasion when this attitude was demonstrated was on the very first day. On the
programme for this first day were the elections of the Commissions, and lists
of names had been prepared, in what was intended to be an impartial manner, and
these lists were put to the vote. But straight away the Fathers said: No, we do
not simply want to vote for pre-prepared lists. We are the subject. Then, it was
necessary to postpone the elections, because the Fathers themselves wanted to
begin to get to know each other, they wanted to prepare the lists themselves.
And so it was. Cardinal Liénart of Lille and Cardinal Frings of Cologne had
said publicly: no, not this way. We want to make our own lists and elect our
own candidates. It was not a revolutionary act, but an act of conscience, an
act of responsibility on the part of the Council Fathers.
And so began an
intense period of actively getting to know our counterparts, something which
did not happen by chance. At the Collegio dell’Anima, where I was staying, we
had many visits: the Cardinal was very well known, and we saw cardinals from
all over the world. I well remember the tall slim figure of Monsignor Etchegaray,
the Secretary of the French Episcopal Conference, I remember meetings with
Cardinals, and so on. And this continued throughout the Council: small-scale
meetings with peers from other countries. Thus I came to know great figures
like Father de Lubac, Daniélou, Congar, and so on. We came to know various
bishops; I remember particularly Bishop Elchinger of Strasbourg, and so on. And
this was already an experience of the universality of the Church and of the
concrete reality of the Church, which does not simply receive instructions from
on high, but grows together and moves forward, always under the guidance –
naturally – of the Successor of Peter.
Everyone, as I
said, came with great expectations; there had never been a Council on such a
scale, but not everyone knew what to do. The most prepared, let us say, those
with the clearest ideas, were the French, German, Belgian and Dutch
episcopates, the so-called "Rhine alliance". And in the first part of
the Council it was they who pointed out the path; then the activity rapidly
broadened, and everyone took part more and more in the creativity of the
Council. The French and the Germans had various interests in common, albeit
with quite different nuances. The first, initial, simple – or apparently simple
– intention was the reform of the liturgy, which had begun with Pius XII, who
had already reformed the Holy Week liturgy; the second was ecclesiology; the third
was the word of God, revelation; and finally ecumenism. The French, much more
than the Germans, were also keen to explore the question of the relationship
between the Church and the world.
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