Thursday, August 06, 2009

St. Jean Vianney shows priests how to reach modern society, Pope teaches

1 comment:

Carlos Echevarria said...

Annie, how are you?

Well Happy Assumption from yesterday, i had an extensive post regarding it....

What a weekend, huh, Father Kolbe friday, the Assumption yesterday and today the deaths of the "King" of Rock n Roll & the greatest ball player of them all, George Herman Ruth!!!(you know I love my Yankees)

I am starting Italian classes this month, for my upcoming trip to Rome next year...actually my sister went over a month ago on a honeymoon cruise to Rome and Ephesus.

I lost your son's contact info/blog, my laptop had a bunch of malware/spyware and i had to do a major scan of it....

Could you forward it to me again...thanks.